
just like you. Understanding dog psychology

Things That You Need To Know About Dog Training

A great dog training tip is to assume the role of the pack leader. All dogs have a pack mentality. There is typically a pack leader that influences the behavior of the rest of the pack. If your dog drops the ball nearby and you walk to pick the ball up, your dog assumes he is the leader. A lot of dogs jump because they are looking for that attention. If you reach out and pet them, even as you chastise their behavior, they will be getting the attention they want and continue the behavior. Instead, use a key word, such as "Oops," and then leave. End all of your training sessions with a command that you know that he can do and reward him for his effort. You dont want him to come away depressed about training time, but you also dont want to reward him if he was not responding well during the session. Moving too quickly or losing your temper can confuse your dog and cause him to mistrust you. Animals are not robots that can be programmed and your dog has a personality with preferences and quirks Louis Vuitton mens wallet, just like you. Understanding dog psychology, particularly what influences and motivates dogs and the impact your behavior, body language and body tells can have on that is vital. HotNews XIAOXU0825 :

