Louis Vuitton bags, the name is enough to make you sigh in awe. Louis Vuitton traveler's bags as well as handbags have been creating ripples in the fashion industry since 1854. Over the years the design of the bags have had some constant features appearing. Therefore, many manufactures have taken advantage of this and circulated fake Louis Vuitton bags in the market. Yet, the constant features will help you spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag from an authentic one. If you are wondering how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag, then read on.
Spotting a Fake Louis Vuitton Bag
The market for fake designer items is worth about $450 billion dollars. This means, there are people who have managed to create replica handbags of the originals. These replicas are identical to the authentic items that about 80% of the costumers are fooled or tricked into buying the fakes for the price of the authentic items. One of the most widely circulated counterfeit fashion items is the Louis Vuitton bag. It is important that one learns to identify a fake Louis Vuitton bag, as the originals cost a bomb (or a nuclear bomb, per se). So, are you interested in spotting a fake Louis Vuitton bag, especially if someone is offering you a classic piece at an unbelievably low price? Let us see how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag in detail.
How to Tell if your Louis Vuitton is Fake
Everyone loves to own a designer handbag like Louis Vuitton. It is a matter of pride for the owner and envy for the others who don't own one. As the prices are really, really exorbitant, it is not possible for anyone and everyone to own an authentic Louis Vuitton. So, how can you spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag and know if your over smart friend is just bragging about a fake? Do you want to learn how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag and find out if the gift you received from your distant cousin in Paris is authentic? I am sure you do, so I will get down to the details without taking much of your time.
The first thing I have rattled about is the price. The prices are sky-high of an original Louis Vuitton and if you get a bag at too good to be true prices, it's a fake. You can go through cheap designer knock off handbags for more information.
An important characteristic of Louis Vuitton bags is the stitching. Louis Vuitton bags are stitched perfectly and will never open up for years. There are no loose threads and no misplaced stitches.
The interiors of authentic Louis Vuitton bags are lined with red or honey colored canvas. The interiors are made of micro monogram textile, microfiber suede, cross grain leather or tone on tone polyester. If your bag is lined with cheap tan or brown suede or even plastic, it is a fake.
Metal Hardware
The metal hardware of the original Louis Vuitton bags is made of brass or gold metal. The zippers are imprinted with the letters 'LV'. If you find gold-plated plastic or metal and the zippers do not have the 'LV" log imprinted on them, you are spotting a fake Louis Vuitton bag.
One important clich?¡ì| to identify a fake Louis Vuitton bag is the monogram. The original Louis Vuitton bag monograms are carefully placed. They are symmetrical from all sides and have clearly printed gold letters with brown line passing through 'LV". They are not solid colored, smudged, cutouts or have a greenish tint. They are neatly threaded, thin and accurately placed on the bag. In some original Louis Vuitton bags, the logo is placed upside down on one side. A fake bag will have both the logos both sides placed upright.
Handles and Hardware
Most of the Louis Vuitton bags have handles made from genuine rolled cowhide. If your bag comes with handles wrapped in plastic or bubble wrap it is a fake.
There are no tags attached to the original Louis Vuitton bags. The tags are just placed in the purse or dust bag. So, how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag? The tags attached to the bag are a dead give away it is a fake.
Spotting a fake Louis Vuitton bag is easy if you cannot find the bag design on the website. If you cannot find the style on the Louis Vuitton website, the bag is a complete fake. There are new designs released every season, so make sure you stay up-to-date with the latest styles.
Make Mark
How can you spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag from the 'Made in' mark? The authentic Louis Vuitton bags are made in France. However, Louis Vuitton is producing bags in USA, Germany, Italy as well as Spain. If you find a mark like 'Made in China' or "Made in Chile' for example, it is a complete fake. Louis Vuitton bags are not produced anywhere else other than the above mentioned countries, chances are it is a fake designer handbag.
These are a few pointers to identify a fake Louis Vuitton bag. So, how to tell if your Louis Vuitton is a fake? Remember the three basic rules. First, Louis Vuitton does not offer discounts on its bags, second, they do not have any outlets, irregulars or seconds sale. Third, Louis Vuitton bags are not sold in wholesale. And, remember, Louis Vuitton bags are sold only at Louis Vuitton stores, authentic Louis Vuitton website, eLUXURY.com and by calling 1-866-VUITTON. They are not sold on streets and shady shops. This is a bit about how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag. Hope this information saves you from getting ripped by purchasing a fake Louis Vuitton bag.